Announcements ~ December 6, 2021

Graphic at this link:
Parish Vocation Ministry Workshop
Christ the King Parish, 821 S. Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa
Saturday, January 29, 2022
8:30 am (Mass) – 4:00 pm (Lunch included.)
Parishes and schools are invited to bring teams of 3-5 representatives to join us for this workshop as we learn how to better promote and foster vocations in our faith communities. Please contact the Office of Vocations to RSVP or to find out more information. Ph. 727-345-3452 or by email:
Graphics for promotion at this link:
Vocations Bulletin Blurbs
Cycle C, First Sunday of Advent 2021 to Feast of Christ the King 2022
The Serra Club of St Petersburg is a Catholic Lay ministry whose mission is to support, foster and affirm vocations to the Priesthood and religious life. The following parish bulletin blurbs are provided for your use to support the development of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life in our diocese. They are keyed to the liturgical calendar for placement in your weekly bulletin. Please run a blurb of the week indicated We understand that you will need to begin with the second Sunday of Advent. Your support is most appreciated.
Follow this link for the bulletin blurbs:
Catholic Days at the Capitol, February 1-2, 2022
Make the trip. Make a difference.
Join Catholics from around Florida as they gather in Tallahassee for Catholic Days at the Capitol. This annual advocacy event will be held on February 1-2, 2022. The event includes a briefing on key legislative proposals, a breakfast with the Bishops of Florida, legislative visits with the offices of state Senators and Representatives and the Red Mass of the Holy Spirit. This is a great way to bring your voice and your values to the political process. Learn more and register here:
Catholic Women’s Conference
Every woman is invited to attend Spirit FM’s 7th Annual Women’s Conference on April 2, 2022. It will be held at the Florida State Fairgrounds, and tickets are on sale through
Flyer/Graphic available at this link:
Winter Concert Series
The WINTER CONCERT SERIES returns to Saint Mary, Our Lady of Grace, 515 4th Street South in St. Petersburg, in 2022 after a one-year hiatus due to COVID.
The first concert will be held on Sunday, January 9, 2022 at 3:00 pm, and is entitled, “Music Not Just for the Holidays!”
The featured artists are FLUTE AMICI, a flute choir made up of professional flutists from the Tampa Bay Area.
The concert is one-hour, FREE, and open to all. For more information, see our website:, or call 727-896-2191 ext. 208.
Honor a loved one through Benedictine Sisters’ Luminaries of Love
The Benedictine Sisters of Florida invite you to honor and remember your loved one(s) with one of their Luminaries of Love, which will be on display on Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24, 2021. The sisters will place the name of your chosen individual, couple, or family on a luminaria and will place it in an arrangement of luminarias set around the circular driveway at Holy Name Monastery, 12138 Wichers Road, St. Leo, FL.
Funds raised will help the Benedictine Sisters to respond to needs in the community.
Orders can be placed online at by clicking the “donate now” button at the top of the screen.
For more information, contact Faith Pridmore at (941) 586-3112 or Cheryl Chadick at (813) 838-7452.
Flyer at this link:
DOROTHY DAY CENTER | TAMPA – in development
“Few Christians in the twentieth century lived their lives as devoted to the common good as Dorothy Day. – Richard Rohr, OFM
After retiring from Love INC of Metro Tampa, Ann and Michael Doyle are exploring forming a Dorothy Day Center:
“Come and journey.”
They invite you to a six-week virtual study (book provided), starting Wednesday, January 12th 2022 at 7 PM.
For questions or to reserve space for the first six-week session, RSVP by 1/7/2022 to Ann and Michael Doyle, Sacred Heart Church parishioners: 813-466-9166 cell or by email: