Announcements ~ August 8, 2022

Did You Know? Safety Rules Bear Repeating
Research reminds us that teaching children how to resist the overtures of a potential molester requires repetition and reinforcement. Children and young people need to know the rules, and they need to hear them over and over and over again so that the rules become part of a thought process. This is done in the same way we teach the rules about looking both ways before crossing the street and the danger of getting too close to an open flame. Empowering children to speak up and resist the overtures of potential molesters can stop a child molester in his or her tracks. Molesters who fear being caught—and being labeled a molester—may decide it is not worth the risk and back off.
For particular help you may call: Michael Craig, Safe Environment Program Manager at (727) 344-1611, ext. 5377.
Prison Ministry in Pinellas County
We are happy to report that Pinellas County Jail has opened their doors to begin Catholic services again. The services will take place on Saturday mornings. If you have an interest in this ministry, whether serving in the past or as a new volunteer, please contact the Prison Ministry office at, so we can begin the approval process through the Sheriff’s Office.
To find out more about prison ministry, please go to our website Office of Prison Ministry – Diocese of Saint Petersburg (
Vocation Summit: A Parish Vocation Ministry Workshop
Parish/school staff and volunteers are invited to join us for this workshop as we continue to learn how to better promote and foster vocations in our faith communities. We will be gathering at the Bethany Center on September 24th, 2022 from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm. Lunch will be provided as well as presentations by Sam Alzheimer of Vianney Vocations. Please RSVP by September 9th, 2022.
RSVP here:
An Invitation from the Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute (LPMI)
The LPMI program, in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church; equips Catholics with knowledge and skills to carry out ministry competently, collaboratively, and professionally. Through an integrated process of education and ongoing faith formation, we provide an opportunity for Catholics across the Diocese to grow spiritually, intellectually, and pastorally. The 2022-2023 “Year of Discernment” classes will begin on September 10th. For more information: visit; email:; or call 727-344-1611.
Prayer Breakfast, Magnificat of St. Petersburg
Magnificat of St. Petersburg is excited to welcome all women to our PRAYER BREAKFAST from 9:30 AM—12:30 PM, on Saturday, August 27, 2022, held in the Parish Center at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, 5815 Fifth Avenue North, St. Petersburg, FL 33710. Please also join us for St. Jude’s parish Mass held in the Church at 8:15 AM.
For your protection, we will observe social distancing, with no more than 6 per table. Masks are encouraged.
Reservations are $18.00 each; tickets are on sale until August 20, 2022. No tickets are sold at the door, and seating is limited due to social distancing.
For questions or more information: Email to:, or text to Linda at (727) 415-2693, or Jane (727) 452-7404.
Pinellas Women’s Emmaus Retreat
October 14–16, 2022
Are you ready for a weekend of Spiritual Renewal? Then walk the road to Emmaus with us. The retreat is based on Luke 24:13-35. Deepen your relationship with the Lord away from the distractions of daily routine.
The retreat takes place at the Franciscan Center. Cost of the retreat is $225.00/$275.00 (single/double occupancy) and includes room, meals, and program.
For registration and/or information, please contact Maria Athanasulis: 727-439-9300 or
Graphic for bulletin available at this link.
Organ Program at St. Petersburg College, Gibbs campus, in St. Petersburg
Organists and all parish musicians, if you are interested in studying organ formally, whether as a beginner or as a “mid-career” tune-up, and earning college credit while you pursue your study, then please consider the organ program at St. Petersburg College, Gibbs campus, in St. Petersburg. Lessons are conducted on the 24 rank, neo-classical Heissler concert organ in the Music Center of SPC. (Note: beginning organ study requires a history of 5-6 years of piano study as a prerequisite.) Please contact Paul Dixon at or via the St. Raphael Church office, 727-821-7989.
Spiritual Exercises for Everyday Living (SEEL)
St. Raphael Parish, St, Petersburg, is offering a 5th annual 30-day Ignatian retreat using the Spiritual Exercises but designed for busy people over the course of 32 weeks with ample breaks for holidays. The journey will begin in October and end in May. Perhaps this experience has been a desire of yours in ministry for years and now is your opportunity. An in-person weekly group meeting is available, as well as an online zoom group meeting option. There are several local spiritual directors as well as spiritual directors from around the country who avail themselves for retreatants. Participation does require an interview to gauge spiritual maturity and readiness and perhaps a prerequisite Intro to Prayer offered in September using the Lectio Series.
Inquirers should reach out to Harriet Learson at or
Flyer at this link:
Parish Pilgrimages If your parish is offering a pilgrimage within the coming months, we invite you to share this information with the Pastoral Bulletin: This allows readers to view opportunities to participate in an upcoming pilgrimage. The pilgrimages are posted in the Diocesan website under the Pastoral Bulletin page at this link: