Announcements ~ April 5, 2021

Bishop Parkes will Consecrate the Diocese of St. Petersburg to St. Joseph on May 1st
Bishop Gregory Parkes will consecrate parishes, schools, ministries and the people of the Diocese of St. Petersburg to St. Joseph on Saturday, May 1st, the Memorial of St. Joseph the Worker, at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle at 12:00 p.m. Catholics are encouraged to participate either in person or virtually. “When you consecrate yourself to St. Joseph, you entrust yourself to his fatherly care, and you ask him to help you live the holy virtues that strengthen families, churches and communities,” said Bishop Parkes.
To learn more, visit
For bulletin editors: Promotional Graphics for Consecration to St. Joseph on May 1st below.
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Monseñor Parkes consagrará la Diócesis de St. Petersburg a san José el 1ro de mayo
Monseñor Gregory Parkes consagrará parroquias, escuelas, ministerios y el pueblo de la Diócesis de St. Petersburg a san José el sábado 1ro de mayo, la memoria litúrgica de SAN JOSÉ OBRERO, en la Catedral de St. Jude the Apostle a las 12 del mediodía. Se anima a todos los católicos a participar en persona o virtualmente. “Cuando te consagras a san José, te confías a su cuidado paternal y le pides que te ayude a vivir las santas virtudes que fortalecen a las familias, las iglesias y las comunidades”, dijo monseñor Parkes. Para obtener más información, visita:
Registration for the 2021 Marian Congress on May 8th is now open!
This year’s Marian Congress will be a virtual gathering on Saturday, May 8th. The theme is, “Mary Welcomes You With Open Arms.” The keynote speaker is Father Chris Alar, MIC, National Shrine of The Divine Mercy. There is no cost to participate. At 11:30 a.m., Bishop Gregory Parkes will celebrate Mass and lead participants in a renewal of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. All Catholics are encouraged to participate virtually. To learn more, visit:
¡La inscripción para el Congreso Mariano 2021 del 8 de mayo ya está abierta!
El Congreso Mariano de este año se llevará a cabo por vía virtual el sábado 8 de mayo. El tema es: “María te da la bienvenida con los brazos abiertos”. El orador principal es el padre Chris Alar, MIC, del Santuario Nacional de la Divina Misericordia. No hay costo para participar. A las 11:30 a.m., Mons. Gregory Parkes presidirá la Misa y guiará a los participantes para todos renovar la consagración al Corazón Inmaculado de María. Se anima a todos los católicos a participar virtualmente.
Para obtener más información, visita:
For Bulletin Editors: Promotional Graphics for Marian Congress on May 8th below.
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Office of Life, Justice and Advocacy
Important Announcement for Parish Bulletins and Social Media
Americans’ tax dollars are in real danger of being used to pay for abortion. The Hyde Amendment (, contained in the federal government’s annual appropriations legislation, prohibits federal funding of most domestic abortions. It is a bipartisan provision that has been part of federal appropriations for 45 years and has been credited with saving 2.5 million lives.
Despite having supported this bipartisan provision prohibiting federal funding, President Biden, Speaker Pelosi and House Appropriations Chair Rosa DeLauro are now committed to its repeal. The USCCB is working to mobilize a largescale response to meet this threat. Keep your tax dollars from going to abortion!
Roe v Wade Movie
From Friday, April 9 to Monday, April 26, you are invited to a Virtual Movie Premiere Event of “the real story you’ve never been told” about the Roe v Wade Supreme Court abortion decision. Individuals can sign up to stream the film for a discounted price of $12.99 plus $1.25 transaction fee at Consider inviting your family and friends to view this intriguing drama with you in your home. (NOTE: This is for home showing only, not for use in churches, businesses or public sites). You can see the trailer, fact checks, and details at Contact Sabrina Burton Schultz at or 813-246-6916.
(Bulletin and social media graphics are available under the RESOURCES tab at
Diocese of St. Petersburg Annual Courage & Encourage Day of Recollection
A day of spiritual renewal for Catholic men and women who experience same-sex attraction and desire to live a chaste life. Parents and family members of people who experience same sex attraction are welcome. Enjoy time for reflection in beautiful surroundings.
Fr. John Lipscomb and Fr. Alex Padilla will lead this day of prayer and silence under the patronage of St. Joseph. Saturday, June 5, 2021. Suggested $30 donation covers meals. For more information contact
Online Game Night to benefit Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl
Sunday April 25, 2021, 7:00-7:45pm
Join us for a fun, online, family-friendly game night! Event is FREE but we ask that you make a donation of your choice to CRS Rice Bowl. Use our online giving page at this link: or send the donation to your parish in your Rice Bowl. The highest scorer will win a Fair Trade gift basket that includes a handmade basket, bag of organic coffee and three types of chocolate Easter eggs! Register now: For more information, please contact Sabrina at; 727-344-1611 *5325.
Racial Wealth Gap Learning Simulation
Why does poverty impact people of color disproportionately in our nation? As awareness of the realities of racism in our nation grows, Bread for the World offers this 2-hour experience, designed to help participants understand the systems that create many of the challenges we face as well as sustainable approaches to changing them. Virtual event sponsored by the Diocesan Racial Justice Committee. Tuesday, April 27th from 7:00 – 9:00 pm. Register at:
Bulletin Announcement: To be in the bulletin weekends of March, April, May, June 2021
Post Abortion Healing – Project Rachel
Project Rachel is a confidential healing ministry for the many people, both men and women who have been impacted by an abortion decision. Upcoming healing programs include:
– One Day Project Rachel Retreats: Sat, April 24, 2021 and Sat, June 5th ($20 reg. fee). Flyer available at this link:
– One Day Men’s Retreat: Sat., June 26, 2021 ($20.00 reg. fee). Flyer available at this link:
– Weekend Retreat: July 9-11, 2021 ($200 reg. fee)
More details and pre-registration needed. Please contact us at 813-924-4173 or email: