Announcements ~ April 19, 2021

Ordination to the Priesthood
The candidate will be ordained by Most Reverend Gregory L. Parkes, Bishop of St. Petersburg, on Saturday, May 15, 2021, 11:00 a.m., at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle, St. Petersburg.
The Ordination Mass is open to the public, however, due to spacing limitations resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, seating capacity will be on a first come first serve basis. You can also view the Mass via livestream on our diocesan website:
You are also welcome, as social distancing permits, to attend the Vespers Service, on Friday, May 14, 2021, 7:00 p.m., at Christ the King Catholic Church, 821 S. Dale Mabry Highway, Tampa. We encourage you to wear a face covering if attending in person. The Vesper Service will also be livestreamed on Christ the King’s website:
Please keep Deacon Hernández in prayer, as he awaits the day of his ordination to the Sacred Priesthood!
Find promotional graphics here.
Safe Environment Office
Teach Children to Say, “Stop It”
Child safety tip: Teach children to say, “Stop it,” to instructions that might encourage them to do things they really do not want to do. Reinforce the rule that children should say, “Stop it,” to requests or demands that make them uncomfortable, even if they think they should obey. A discussion of these rules can teach a child that there are some times when it is okay to say, “Stop it,” and other times when it is okay to go along with the instructions.
For particular help you may call: Michael Craig, Safe Environment Program Manager at (727) 344-1611, ext. 5377.
Office of Life, Justice and Advocacy
CRS Rice Bowl Announcement for parishes that did not give out Rice Bowls this year:
CRS Rice Bowl
It is not too late to participate in CRS Rice Bowl. Every donation helps to end global hunger and malnutrition. 25% of donations stay within the Diocese for local grants aimed at reducing poverty.
Please remit CRS Rice Bowl donations to the Campaign Processing Office marked CRS Rice Bowl. (PO Box 40200, St. Petersburg, FL 33743-0200) or donate online through the Diocesan giving page:
Important Action Alert
The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (H.R. 619) has again been introduced in Congress to protect babies from infanticide, but efforts to bring the bill to a vote in the House are being blocked. Your action is needed to urge your Representative to sign a discharge petition that would allow this vote to occur.
We must continue to push Congress to pass the Born-Alive Act, so babies born alive following an abortion attempt are treated the same as any other newborn baby. Click here for more information. Take Action Here:
Florida Legislative Updates and Actions
At the end of each week of the 60-day session, the Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops (FCCB) provides a summary of activity on priority bills and other items of interest at the capitol. Previous summaries are available on the FLACCB website: The full text of bills and all legislative actions can be found on the websites of the
Young Adult Women’s Mini Retreat
May 8th, 2021 8:00am – 12:30am
USF Catholic Student Center, 13005 N 50th St., Tampa, FL 33617
Women 21-35 years old
Come join us for a Young Adult Women’s mini retreat! Half day will include the recitation of the Holy Rosary, Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Lectio Divina and time for sharing in small groups. Retreat will be given by Father Xavy Castro, Chaplain of Tampa Catholic.
Lunch will cost $10 and will be catered from Chick-fil-A! Register by May 3rd at this link:
If you have any questions contact Kristina at (786) 897-9669.