Best Practices Resources
Buenas prácticas de salud para la Misa
Health Reminders for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Buenas prácticas de salud para los ministros extraordinarios de la sagrada Comunión
Influenza and the Liturgy – USCCB
High Risk or Vulnerable Children and Adults
High Risk or Vulnerable Children and Adults might consider receiving Holy Communion in the hand, refraining from the Communion cup and, perhaps, refraining from the handshake at the sign of peace during the cold and flu season.
Holy Communion from the Cup
The privilege to receive Holy Communion from the cup is left to the individual communicant; therefore, individuals should keep this in mind before receiving, i.e. do not receive if you are feeling sick or if you are at risk for infection.
Above all else, if you are not feeling well please stay home! IT IS NOT A SIN!