The Office of Information and Communications has created this page for parishes in the Diocese of St. Petersburg to find free and shareable content that helps to evangelize, inspire, and unite our community. Parishes of the Diocese of St. Petersburg have our approval to share any of the materials listed below on their website, social media, bulletin, and other parish communication channels. If you have questions about any materials found on this page, please contact Teresa Peterson, (Please note: Local photos/videos/reels of your parish and parishioners typically obtain the most engagement on a parish social media account and other parish communication channels. However, this content can also support your efforts.)

Click here to view October content

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Not Date Specific

Month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory

November is traditionally dedicated to the Holy Souls in purgatory. This month let us remember the souls of all those undergoing spiritual purification in purgatory before being welcomed into eternal paradise in heaven.

A New Way to Pray this Advent

Receive daily Scripture reflections via email or text and grow closer to Christ this Advent!

Date Specific

November 1 | All Saints Day

Today we ask for the intercession of all Saints– those that lived holy lives on Earth and now have eternal life with God in heaven. May we continue to look to them as examples in the faith and strive to become saints as well. All you Saints, pray for us! 🙏🏼

#courageouslyliving #courageoussaints

November 2 | All Souls Day

On All Souls Day we pray for the souls of all those who have died. Let us remember today to pray for the souls of our friends and family members that have died as well as those souls who have no one to pray for them. May they rest in peace and be welcomed into heaven.

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November 4 | St. Charles Borromeo

St. Charles Borromeo was an Archbishop in Italy in the 1500s and was canonized in 1610. He gave up all he had and devoted himself to feeding and caring for the poor during a plague and famine that struck the area. Like St. Charles Borromeo, may we remember to show charity to the struggling and outcast. St. Charles Borromeo, pray for us! 🙏🏼

#courageouslyliving #courageoussaints

November 10 | St. Leo the Great

Today we celebrate St. Leo the Great who was pope from 440-461. St. Leo was known for combatting multiple heresies and educating others on the true teachings of the Church. Like St. Leo the Great, may we have the courage to teach others about the Church and hold strong to the Church’s teachings. St. Leo the Great, pray for us! 🙏🏼

#courageouslyliving #courageoussaints

November 11 | Veterans Day

Thank you to our veterans and military personnel May God bless you and protect you! Today we recognize all of those men and women who currently serve or have served our country in the military. Thank you for your sacrifice, protection, and service!

November 13 | St. Frances Xavier Cabrini

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini was the first U.S. citizen to be canonized. She started her work at an orphanage in Italy as a Missionary Sister of the Sacred Heart, and then she established her own orphanage in the U.S. Despite many obstacles, she established 67 institutions dedicated to serving the poor, abandoned, uneducated, and sick. Like St. Frances Xavier Cabrini may we persevere in doing God’s will and treating others with kindness. St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, pray for us! 🙏🏼

#courageouslyliving #courageoussaints

November 23 | Thanksgiving Day

May we always be thankful for our God’s blessings! Happy Thanksgiving!

November 23 | Blessed Miguel Agustín Pro

Blessed Miguel Agustín Pro was born in Mexico but a few years after becoming a Jesuit priest fled to Spain to escape religious persecution. Upon his eventual return to Mexico, he had to secretly celebrate the sacraments for small groups of people as persecution was still rampant. His final words before he was killed were “Viva Cristo Rey!” or “Long Live Christ the King!” Like him, may we be unafraid to live out our faith and love Christ. Blessed Miguel Agustín Pro, pray for us! 🙏🏼

#courageouslyliving #courageoussaints

Other Content

Catholic Ministry Appeal

Click here to find materials that have been designed to assist parishes in promoting, educating and spreading the word about the 2024 Catholic Ministry Appeal. Throughout the year, more resources will be added, updated and shared with parishes.

National Eucharistic Revival

Click here to find photos, graphics and logos to promote the National Eucharistic Revival, an initiative of the bishops of the United States to renew our devotion and belief in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. 

Pastoral Bulletin

Click here to find announcements, graphics and information from our diocesan ministries and our parishes, schools and diocesan entities.