Myriam and Mario Reyna
Youth Directors

1104 N. Alexander St.
Plant City, FL  33563
Phone: (813)752-8251, ex.323
Instagram @tcddstclement
Remind 101 @bc476

Mission Statement:

We, the members of the parish family of Saint Clement Catholic Church,
are committed to living our faith by:

  • A daily prayer time with the Trinity and full conscious reception of the Sacraments
  • The study and application of the Word of God
  • Each family serving our parish generously with their Time, Talent and Treasure
  • Being an inclusive community of intentional and dedicated disciples.
  • Striving to proclaim the Gospel in word and deed to the four corners of the earth

Youth Ministry Gatherings:

Wednesdays 6:30 PM:  High School Youth

Wednesdays 6:30 PM:  Middle School Youth