Dear God Our Heavenly Father,

I pray for Your will to be done in every heart all over the world,
especially in America today, tomorrow, the next day, and the next, to eternity.
I implore Your help where there is chaos and dishonesty brewing, for You are the Light of the World.
I implore Your help in man’s heart where there is unrest, may we trust in You.
I implore Your hand to heal the fear, anxiety, anger, and hopelessness of man,
for You are the Lord, our King and the Creator, who reigns over the earth.
As Your Son, Jesus, simply states, “ask”.
So we ask, Father, heal man’s heart full of Your love and hope,
for You are the Almighty Father and we ask for Your protection and
Your will to be done in America and all over the world.
We pray for all people, Christians and non-Christians, all faiths, believers and nonbelievers.
In the name of Jesus, we pray and with the help and intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
we offer this prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
