Our Lady of Perpetual Help
1711 E. 11th Ave, Tampa, FL 33605 | |
http://olphtampa.org/ | |
(813) 248-5701 | |
(813) 241-4128 | |
Hillsborough | |
South Central | |
1900 | |
Rev. Kyle D. Smith
Rev. George Gyasi
Mass Times
Weekend Masses:
4:30pm | |
10:00am 12:00pm | Spanish |
Weekday Masses (Weekly Masses are held in the Rectory Chapel):
Mon through Friday: 8:30am
Confession Times
5:00pm – 5:20pm | |
9:30am – 9:50am 11:15am – 11:45am |
Please note: Schedules are subject to change. Please visit the parish website or call the parish office to verify time and day. Vigil refers to Saturday.