Emergency Assistance for Puerto Rico
An emergency relief effort for Puerto Rico is underway and your help is needed! The devastation by Hurricane Maria has left many families without a home, food, water and basic supplies.
Donations should be dropped off at:
Location: Homeland Intelligence Technologies, 4916 S Lois Ave., Tampa
Items: Batteries, baby wipes, flashlights, lanterns, first aid supplies, water, over-the counter medications, bedding, towels, non-perishable food items, tarps, generators, lumber, tools.
Hours: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily until further notice
Contact: Brenda Irizarry, (813) 390-1208
Location: Oxalis Law Firm, 2701 N Himes Ave., Tampa
Items: Non-perishable food items, first aid supplies and over-the-counter medications, diapers, baby formula, water, pet food, toilet paper.
Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. May arrange for special pickup in some cases.
Contact: Oxalis Garcia, (727) 835-6595
Location: 5107 N. Central Ave., Tampa (adjacent to St. Paul Lutheran Church; look for disaster relief signs)
Times: Every day 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Items: Water, non-perishable food, bug spray, toiletries, diapers, toothbrushes, towels, socks, candles, sunscreen, first aid supplies, blankets, baby food.
Contact: Natasha Ocasio, puertoricorelief@gmail.com
Catholic Charities USA continues to work with Catholic Charities, St. Thomas (Virgin Islands) and Caritas de Puerto Rico (San Juan) with immediate relief and long-term recovery. Donations for disaster relief can be made here: https://catholiccharitiesusa.org/
There are two ways people can designate a gift specifically for Puerto Rico, or relief efforts in Texas, Florida or the U.S. Virgin Islands:
- Send a check with notation in memo line directly to their offices at:
Catholic Charities USA, 2050 Ballenger Ave., Ste. 400 – Alexandria, VA 22314 - Call the office Call 1-800-919-9338 and make a gift over the phone
Read this article about CCUSA relief efforts in Puerto Rico:
Catholic Relief Services is providing relief to affected populations of Mexican earthquakes with immediate needs, including shelter, water and food as well as long-term recovery support. TO GIVE ONLINE, VISIT crs.org/mexicoquake.