The Convocation of Catholic Leaders: The Joy of the Gospel in America

This summer, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops convened an unprecedented gathering of key leaders from dioceses and Catholic organizations from all across the country in order to assess the challenges and opportunities of our time, particularly in the context of the Church in the United States. This has been an ongoing initiative of the Bishops’ Working Group on the Life and Dignity of the Human Person. The gathering assembled Catholic leaders for a strategic conversation, under the leadership of the bishops, on forming missionary disciples to animate the Church and to engage the culture.
Videos of the Various Sessions – provided by the USCCB
Photos – taken by our delegates
Closing Address from Archbishop Christoph Pierre, the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States.
Delegates’ Interview with Spirit FM 90.5 (listen below)
Prayer for the 2017 Convocation of Catholic Leaders
The following people are the delegates from the Diocese of St. Petersburg who attended.
Delegate |
Title |
Dale Brown |
Associate Director, Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute |
Mike and Megan Buckler |
Director of Youth Ministry, Our Lady of the Rosary |
Sabrina Burton-Schultz |
Director, Life Ministries |
Gerri Drummond |
St. Peter Claver Parish Youth Group Ministry |
Mark Dufva |
Executive Director of Catholic Charities, DOSP, Inc. |
Carlos Flores |
Associate Director of Hispanic Ministry / Diocesan Pastoral Council |
Diane Kledzik |
Associate Director, Evangelization, SCCs & Adult Faith Formation |
Rev. Monsignor Robert Morris |
Diocesan Vicar General, Pastor of St. Catherine of Siena Parish |
Rev. Msgr. Brendan Muldoon |
Pastor Emeritus of St. Jerome Parish |
Most Rev. Gregory Parkes |
Bishop of St. Petersburg |
Rev. Justin Paskert |
Campus Minister at USF Catholic Student Center, Parochial Vicar of Corpus Christi Parish |
Ray and Terry Pawlicki |
St. Rita Parish Parishioner and Volunteer |
Rev. Robert Schneider |
Director, Office of Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs Ministry, Pastor of St. Stephen Parish |
Mary Woltman |
President, Diocesan Council of Catholic Women |