If you have trouble downloading the report or questions concerning the information provided, please contact the Office of Stewardship and Development at stewardship@dosp.org.
Our 2021 Annual Report
Our diocesan ministries, education and outreach programs offer support, professional guidance, and direct delivery of services to and for our people, parishes, schools and communities. They do this while maintaining a very tight annual budget which relies on specific revenue sources, including interest earnings, donations and grants, bequests, parish assessment payments and direct donations to the Annual Pastoral Appeal (APA).
75% of our diocesan ministry budget in 2020-2021 came from personal gifts from Catholics who keep Christ at the center of their lives, answering God’s call to reach out through the good works of our church. A majority of those gifts were made through the Annual Pastoral Appeal.
Our 2021 Annual Report includes not only a comprehensive overview of the 2020-2021 revenues and operational expenses associated with our traditional diocesan ministry and service areas, but also comparative year over year information and impact reporting. It also spotlights those who make our ministry possible: our donors and the Mater Dei Giving Society.
- Please click here to download a PDF of the full version of the 2021 Annual Report.
- To download the 2020-2021 Pastoral Center summary of operations for the ministries, programs and services of our diocese, click here.
- If you would like to view our audited financial statements for 2020-2021, please click here.
- Click here to view the ministries and services we funded.
- To learn more about the Mater Dei Giving Society, click here.
- Click here to download the 2021 Catholic Foundation Impact Report.
A Closer Look at Our Faith Family
The Diocese of St. Petersburg is comprised of almost 300,000 Catholics as well as all non-Catholics within our five counties area: Citrus, Hernando, Pasco, Hillsborough and Pinellas.
The purpose of and goal in reporting to our people each year is to provide transparent financial reporting. However, we also believe it is imperative to provide a closer look at the ministries and services annual donations support. Our ministries serve more than 3 million people. Below is a snapshot highlighting our Catholic community in 2020-2021. Click the image below to see more.

A Closer Look at Those Who Make Our Ministry Possible
Making a Difference Together: One Donor’s Story
I’ve seen first-hand the goodness of Catholic Charities from extensive travel abroad and most notably as a youth growing up in poverty. My family relied heavily on the Church and its ministries for help.
One of the Church’s virtues is humility, but at times I believe you have to blow the horn a little to let others know about the many activities and profound difference the Church has made to so many. The money given to our larger ministries is well spent and is serving the community.
Oftentimes, a dollar invested has a greater than ten-fold impact on those it’s directed to! The good works the Church does is our calling card, billboard of the faith. This is how we help humanity and give glory to God through our good works… If you believe, how can you not support that?
Ken Ouellette, Parishioner
St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church, Trinity

Recognizing Generosity: The Mater Dei Giving Society
The generosity of our parishioners in the Diocese of St. Petersburg is truly unmatched as demonstrated by the growth of our Mater Dei Giving Society from 5,540 in 2020 to almost 6,500 in 2021. Our dedicated members help us carry out our mission to courageously live the Gospel.
Planning for in person events and face-to-face interactions to gather and say “thank you” has been a challenge in the past couple of years. With careful preparation, Bishop Parkes was able to invite all members of the Mater Dei Giving Society to attend their first live event on October 24, 2021 which they could attend in person or through livestream. More than 170 members joined Bishop Parkes at the Cathedral of St. Jude for an afternoon prayer service and reception, and another 206 joined virtually. Click here to view the October 24, 2021 Mater Dei Prayer Service.
“It is my hope and prayer that through the Mater Dei Giving Society we continue serving the poor, accompanying our youth and young adults and sharing our faith,” Bishop Parkes shared. “I know that together, we can make this hope and prayer a reality.”
Click here for more information about the Mater Dei Giving Society and a complete list of our current members.

It is always nice to have my friends and family praying for me, but to know that the spiritual leader of our diocese is praying for my intention is very humbling. I so appreciated the invitation to attend the prayer service and pray for others’ intentions as they prayed for mine in the company of our bishop.
Lori Fitzpatrick
Parishioner, Nativity Catholic Church
Mater Caritatis Giving Circle
A Closer Look at the Ministries That Serve
The 2021 Annual Report cannot completely list all points of impact as some efforts have effects we cannot track. For example, how do you track moments of personal encounter with Jesus Christ fostered by a diocesan training for RCIA leaders? However, we are dedicated to shedding light on various ministries, outreach efforts and programs supported through direct donor gifts throughout the year. Below are four featured ministries and initiatives for 2020-2021.
Fostering Vocations
The way we embrace and celebrate ordinations acknowledges that our priests touch the lives of all 300,000+ registered parishioners of our diocese. On May 15, 2021, our diocese celebrated the ordination of Father Izzie Hernandez. The livestream was accessed by 2,575 viewers from 5 countries and 19 states through our diocesan website, Facebook and YouTube.
We must continue to foster vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life to serve our diocese and the needs of God’s people. Our Office of Vocations takes responsibility for this vital task through a variety of innovative and creative live and virtual programs that include: providing opportunities for discernment and mentoring of potential candidates; screening, admission and supervision of our 16 current seminarians; and promotion of vocations throughout our five county diocese.
To learn more about Vocations in our diocese, click here.
Seminary Placement


Events & Programs

Inspiring Catholics to Share the Faith
Our Communications Office is responsible for producing and airing uplifting, informational and relevant video and radio messages as well as social media posts. Through this ministry, we evangelize and inspire by sharing Catholic content, reaching more than 150,000 each year.
To expand our reach, in Spring 2021, the Communications Office initiated planning and implementation for a new, website-based weekly publication to bring good news directly to subscribers. On August 14, 2021, Bishop Gregory Parkes officially launched GulfCoastCatholic.org, featuring timely and relevant articles that inform, and stories about people Courageously Living the Gospel to inspire local Catholics to know, live and share the faith. An added feature of the direct communication allows the more than 8,500 subscribers to share any of the articles via social media with one click, extending the reach of our local Church.
To learn more about Gulf Coast Catholic and our efforts in Communications, please view the video provided below or click here.
To register for the Gulf Coast Catholic, please click here.

Communication Achievements

Gulf Coast Catholic

Diaconate Formation
For almost 50 years, the deacons serving the Diocese of St. Petersburg have found their way into the hearts of many of our parish families. Our deacons walk with those in need, helping the pastor, celebrating Sacraments like weddings and baptisms, and working in numerous ministries such as RCIA, hospital ministry, soup kitchens, homebound visits, homeless shelters, and other parts of parish life that so many don’t see.
With 111 Deacons in active service at 59 parishes and 12 diocesan ministries, four new deacons celebrating their Ordination with Bishop Parkes on October 16, 2021, and two large upcoming classes in 2023 and 2025, our Diaconate Program is strong and healthy, bringing the love of Christ to the People of God across our diocese.
Feeling called to serve the Church through serving the people of God? Click here to learn more!

Current Formation

Investing in Lay Leader Formation
Since its inception in 1998, more than 420 dedicated leaders have been commissioned through the Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute (LPMI), including the 13 new leaders Bishop Parkes presented with their certificate in foundational ministry leadership at an evening prayer service on June 22, 2021. In accordance with the teachings and tenets of the Roman Catholic Church, our LPMI provides an integrated ecclesial ministry formation program that equips lay men and women with knowledge and skills to carry out ministry competently, collaboratively, and professionally through one year of discernment and three years of academic and spiritual preparation. By engaging participants in a hands-on experience in their home parish ministry, and offering a wide variety of diocesan resources, this program offers a rich and diverse experience that builds community leadership.
To learn more about the Lay Pastoral Ministry Institute, please view the video provided below or click here.

LPMI Courses Include

Please click here to contact the Office of Stewardship & Development for more information.