2020 Msgr. McGread Stewardship Conference being held at Bethany Center

The nationally recognized Msgr. McGread Stewardship Conference will take place at our Bethany Center in Lutz on January 30th. Catholic Stewardship Consultants, Inc., the conference organizers, are pleased to offer top-notch stewardship formation developed with the assistance and guidance of renowned stewardship pastor and long-time stewardship advisor, Msgr. Thomas McGread. Msgr. McGread, who passed away in April 2013, was known for his leadership in building one of the most vibrant parishes in the country by teaching parishioners how to use their personal gifts of what he called time, talent and treasure through spiritual, biblically-based conversion.
Parishes are encouraged to take a look at what the conference offers, and consider taking advantage of this outstanding formation resource being offered locally. For more information, click here.